The Duchess of Cambridge may have turned heads on the BAFTA’S red carpet in her flowing Alexander McQueen gown, but it was her heirloom accessories that got Twitter talking. The Duchess chose to pair her white, one-shouldered gown with the South-Sea pearl earrings which were a favourite of her late mother-in-law Diana, who wore them frequently throughout the ’90s. Featuring diamond detailing along with the large, drop pearls, the earrings were often chosen by Diana during her overseas trips – she wore them in Pakistan, Japan and South Korea – as well as being her accessories of choice for her last official engagement: a performance of Swan Lake at the Royal Albert Hall in 1997.
The Duchess has of course worn several of Diana’s jewellery pieces in the past, including the diamond and sapphire engagement ring which Prince William presented her with in 2010. Her sister in law, the Duchess of Sussex, has also paid tribute to Diana through her jewellery, choosing her aquamarine cocktail ring for her wedding in May 2018.